The Big Five Safari in Tanzania

The Big Five Safari in Tanzania

On your Tanzania Safari, you’ll have the chance to see the Big Five: the lion, African elephant, African buffalo, leopard, and rhinoceros. While several African countries offer opportunities to see these majestic animals, the United Republic of Tanzania stands out for its stunning landscapes and abundant wildlife. The famous Ngorongoro Crater within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, the best place to spot the Big Five in Tanzania.

Historically, the Big Five were not chosen for their size but for the difficulty and danger of hunting them. These animals seeks after by trophy hunters and carries great prestige. Today, most visitors are satisfied with capturing great photos, although, unfortunately, hunting the Big Five for sport is still permitted in some parts of Africa, including some regions of Tanzania.

Here is a list with more information about the Big Five Safari in Tanzania:


Scientific Name: Panthera Leo

Family: cats (Felidae)

Habitat Northern Circuit: Lake Manyara, Tarangire, Ngorongoro, Serengeti

Population in Tanzania: ca. 15.000 (2010)

Diet: antelope, gazelle, gnus, buffalo, zebras

Head-and-body length: 140 – 250 cm

Weight: 120 – 270 kg

Sexual Maturity: ca. four years

Life Span: ca. 15 years (zoo animals up to 25 years)

IUCN Status: Vulnerable

.The Big Five Safari in Tanzania

Lions, Africa’s largest predators, are highly social animals that live in pride. They are typically composed of around three males, six to twelve females, and their offspring. The females usually hunt and feed the young, while the males establish and mark their territory after defeating or driving away the existing alpha males.


Scientific Name: loxodonta africana

Family: elephants (Elephantidae)

Habitat Northern Circuit: Lake Manyara, Tarangire, Ngorongoro, Serengeti, Arusha

Population in Tanzania: ca. 43.000 (2014)

Diet: grasses, leaves, twigs

Head-and-body length: 250 – 750 cm

Weight: 3200 – 6500 kg

Sexual Maturity: ca. 12 – 15 years

Life Span: ca. 40 bis 80 years

IUCN Status: Endangered

.The Big Five Safari in Tanzania

The African elephant, the largest and most powerful land mammal, is easily distinguished from its smaller Asian relatives by its more prominent ears. Females and their offspring typically travel in herds led by a matriarch, while males are often found in small bachelor groups or alone as individual bulls. Tarangire National Park is one of the premier locations in Tanzania where you can observe these magnificent creatures.


Scientific Name: diceros bicornis

Family: rhinocerotidae

Habitat Northern Circuit: Ngorongoro, Serengeti

Population in Tanzania: less than 1000

Diet: leaves, branches, twigs, bark, thorns

Head-and-body length: 280 – 360 cm

Weight: 800 – 2500 kg

Sexual Maturity: ca. 4 – 6 years

Life Span: up to 45 years

IUCN Status: critically endangered

.The Big Five Safari in Tanzania

Although the black rhino is part of the original Big Five, other rhino species are also included. White and black rhinos differ in size and shape: white rhinos have square lips, while black rhinos have pointed upper lips. Sadly, rhinos are highly endangered due to intense poaching driven by the demand for their horns as potency enhancers in Asia.


Scientific Name: sincere offer

Family: Bovidae

Habitat Northern Circuit: Lake Manyara, Tarangire, Ngorongoro, Serengeti, Arusha

Population: 100.000+

Diet: grasses

Head-and-body length: 240 – 340 cm

Weight: 300 – 900 kg

Sexual Maturity: ca. 4 – 5 years

Life Span: ca. 18 to 25 years

IUCN Status: most minor concern

.The Big Five Safari in Tanzania

The African buffalo, also known as Cape, Black, or Steppe buffalo, can often be seen in large herds. Although they resemble cattle, these buffaloes are incredibly strong and can be highly aggressive when provoked. Many safari guides consider them the most dangerous of Tanzania’s Big Five, even more so than the massive hippos. Unlike the other Big Five members, African buffaloes are not classified as “endangered” or “threatened with extinction” on the IUCN Red List.


Scientific Name: Panthera pardus

Family: Felidae

Habitat Northern Circuit: Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarangire

Population Tanzania: ca. 15.000 to 20.000

Diet: antelopes, wild boars, birds, zebras

Head-and-body length: 90 to 185 cm

Weight: 25 to 100 kg

Sexual Maturity: ca. three years

Life Span: ca. 12 to 18 years

IUCN Status: Vulnerable

.The Big Five Safari in Tanzania

The leopard is an elegant yet elusive big cat, making sightings rare. After a successful night hunt, these solitary animals move their prey into trees to protect it from scavengers and thieves. While they typically hunt smaller antelopes, leopards are opportunistic and won’t hesitate to attack larger animals. These stunning, spotted cats are usually seen alone or with their young.